Friday, May 19, 2023

Thailand - as I see it.


It seemed like a long flight from Ft Myers, Florida to Chiang Mai, but I arrived safe and sound.  Ahn, her sister, and Tyler were there to meet me.  What a cherished sight.  All I could do was hold back the tears when I saw them.  It is hard to believe that Rob will no longer come home to his beautiful home and beautiful family.  All he really wanted in the world was to be with Ahn and Tyler and William and that was the one thing he couldn't have.

He bought them a brand new car that holds 6 maybe more and a huge trunk for suitcases etc.  He made sure their home was made to order as he had two king size beds in the boys room.  A large built in closet with lots of mirrors, and a large built on desk for each of the boys which will last them when they are as big or larger than their daddy.

Rob had two wall hangings made with each of the boys and Ahn had them framed and put over each bed.  One with Tyler's name and one with William's name.  Ah
n had many pictures framed of Daddy and the boys to hang near the large wallhangings.

Rob's picture is in each room with Ahn, Tyler, William and sometimes Willi and me, BuYah, grandma and grandpa.

Rob was a kind, gentle, loving and attentive father and husband and he will be greatly missed.

Since I have arrived, many friends, colleagues, family, and students have come to pay their respects.  They were all shocked to think he would not return to Thailand where he was greatly admired and loved.

Everywhere we go we remember our good times together with Rob.  The massages, the many different restaurants, the wats, the waterfalls, the drives in the country, the motorbike rides, the Christian Church Rob chose because they had Englush translators.  We remember the excellent bilingual school Rob chose for Tyler and soon for William.

Rob will live on in our hearts and in the hearts and memories of many who cared for him or for whom he took care of.

Thailand - as I see it 
What brave boys and wonderful coach. we are very proud of you. Yay. God bless you all. 

Wednesday, April 16, 2014


Thailand - as I see it.

I had a ball today.  Ahn dropped me off at Dukes for lunch at 11am.  I had a bowl of chili, really tasty and I went to the massage parlor.  Ah Me gave me an excellent 2 hour foot massage, back, neck, shoulder, arm and hand massage as well as a facial.  Wow.  My back feels great, I cant believe it.  All that was half the price of a massage at home.  In fact, a 2 hour massage lasts at least a full 2 hours if not more.
Then the lady from the massage called a tuk tuk for me and I went to Central Festival Market which just opened in January.  What a great mall.  Everything an elegant mall would have in Bangkok, Hong Kong or Singapore.  The tuk tuk driver waited for me there while I shopped for half an hour and then he took me to the local flower and handicraft market BUT I didn't stay as we had been soaked with buckets of water many times, and I told him he could just take me back home.  It was such fun.  The tuk tuk driver Is going to take me to the local market and the milk roti stand next time.  Many times he put out his hand so people wouldn't throw buckets at us and they just threw handfulls.   It was such fun.  I really got a taste of Songkran and next time, I am going to do the throwing as well.  When I got home I was dripping wet, everything including my underware.  It was so cool.  Ahn just came home and I showed her my soaking wet clothes and she said "good job" and gave me a high 5.  I got home at 5, a fast 6 hours.   It was such fun, oh my I guess I said that a few times but it sure was fun spending a day being splashed.

Monday, April 14, 2014

Thailand - as I see it.

SONGRAN WATER FESTIVAL. Up close and personal with thousands of other partyers.

We filled the pick up truck with a large garbage can of water, really large garbage can.  Then we piled  ten people into the back of the pickup with large and larger water guns and buckets.  There were six of us inside the pickup (dry and cool).  The ones in the back were wet, wet, wet.  Every time we went by people throwing water, the driver, Ahn's brother, slowed down so that his passengers could throw water and so that the people on the street could throw water as well.  Every couple of minutes, huge amounts of water splashed on the windows and the people in back.

We drove through hundreds and hundreds of people walking, driving motorcycles, riding bikes and just getting their splash experience.  People had all sizes and shapes of water pistols, from tiny ones with umbrellas to large ones longer than your arm.  Some had containers on their backs with extra water.

The day was divided into two distinct parts.  The first part was at a large lake with a couple of thousand Thai people and me. We were all sitting, swimming, eating, shooting water guns and enjoying the holiday.  We sat on platforms made of bamboo with mats and small tables.  This was a SONGRAN Holiday celebration for The Thai people.  It was a treat to see everyone having such fun, shooting water at each other with smiles and laughter.  This is a time that young and old can let off steam in a fun and happy safe environment.  There was native food of all types including some fish and other meat I didn't recognize.  There were pots of soup and fruits and vegetables, drinks and desserts.

The second part of the day was a celebration as well but there were many many thousands of "farang" foreigners as well as Thai celebraters.  People were piled into pick ups and driving all over to splash and shoot water as well as be splashed.  There were groups of bare chested men with tattoos, couples, children and old people.  Everyone was orderly and having a ball shooting and throwing water.  Everywhere we went there were water guns and buckets of water.  We had to stop two times to refill our huge garbage can.  We went by people with hoses spraying everyone as well as some people who just put a hole in the top of a water bottle and sprayed.

I was enthralled to see so many crowds of people who were all peacefully and happily having fun shooting water at each other.  This is party everyone should experience once in a lifetime.

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Thailand - as I see it.
The SONGRAN Festival.

Here is a video of the fun.  Enjoy


Thailand - as I see it.


Everywhere you go, water is being thrown at motorcycles, pedestrians, cars and anything that moves. Tonight we were driving home from the delicious Italian Restaurant, on the other side of Chiangmai and everywhere you looked people had big and bigger water pistols and waterguns.  Whenever someone passed by, streams of water came from all directions.  Plastic guns of all shapes, colors and sizes were being carried by Thai and "farang" foreigners.   There were parades of people in old carriages who were walking alongside playing handmade drums of every shape and size.  Every 40 feet or so was another wagon with men in costumes playing drums.  They were singing and playing loud music. This is a special time for only a few days in April when the weather is the hottest and everyone gets cooled off.   There were huge bandstands erected by the moat and lights strung everywhere which made it even more festive.  Everywhere you look there were groups of people having fun and squirting water.  There were fountains in the moat and people had hoses that they used anytime someone went by on foot or motorbike. We have visited Chiangmai many times, but we always left right before SONGRAN so this is quite an adventure.   (I didn't have my camera iPad with me but I will get some pictures and add them as soon as possible.)

Saturday, May 4, 2013


Thailand - as I see it.


As soon as I wake up in the morning, his painting is on the wall in my suite.  It is a beautiful painting of a beach scene with palm trees and a sailboat.  I look to my left and there is another beautiful painting of a bouquet of flowers.  When I enter the bathroom, the wall has a mural of a naked woman.  Rob and On wanted Willi to feel at home so they had exotic tiles made for the wall.  The living room and dining room also are a stunning reminder of Willi as there is a large mural that he painted in the hall, and other paintings on the wall.  The four of us, dressed in formal attire, are pictured in the living room as a remembrance of our cruise from Sydney to Bangkok when Rob proposed to On.  There are also two frames with five pictures of Rob, On, Tyler, Willi and me when we went to the Hill Tribe exhibition and we wore the tribal finery.

When I look in the kitchen, I am reminded of how much he loved fruit and especially smoothies which he made every day from bananas, pineapple, and any other fruit available. 
Whenever we ride anywhere, there are bananas being sold as well as papaya.  He loved the fat short bananas which were very sweet.  He also wanted to stop for fresh papayas whenever he saw them.

When I walk out in  the yard,  see the wall around the house that he pressure washed and painted in green and white for On, Rob's wife.  I see the metal gate in the front that he painted.  The flower pots with flowers he carefully planted with On.  Speaking of pressure washing, every time we went out for a ride, he would mention that he could work a lifetime pressure cleaning the walls and the buildings.

When I ride on the back of On's motorbike, I remember that Willi rode with her whenever we all went out.  At first, he was skeptical of the motorbikes, but the last year we were here, he got off and on without any qualms.  When I ride in the new car that Rob bought for the family, I think of how Willi wanted them to have a car.

Chiangmai is full of remembrances of Willi that I am so sad, I 'm happy that I have those wonderful memories to be with me the rest of my life.

Marcia Cutler Weis