Thursday, April 8, 2010

Our Last Full Day and Night in Chiang Mai

Thailand - as I see it.

Our Last Full Day and Night in Chiang Mai

We woke up early, for us, 8AM, and made a smoothie, had some hot tea and played a game of hand and foot.
We just walked out to one of the side streets and had lunch. We each had a large plate of Pad Thai and bottled water and the bill came to 70 Baht or $2.25. We then went to the little local grocery market and bought two ice creams sandwiches and they were 80 Baht, more than the entire lunches. Everywhere you go now, water is misting. Water hoses are strung across all the streets, driveways and everywhere. The temperature for the last three days has been 45 degrees Celsius or around 100 degrees Fahrenheit. There is a haze in the air as there has only been rain for a few minutes since we arrived a month ago. We learned another Thai saying – check bin - is asking for the check at a restaurant. They do not pronounce the end of a word with ll’s so it is bin rather than bill.

We went to the local market which has fruit, flowers, vegetable, bolts of cloth and any other garments or household items you could think of. We bought bolts of fabric for On to make diapers and little cover-ups for the baby. She cuts out triangles for the diapers and rectangles for the cover-ups. Then she takes the cloth pieces to a seamstress who sews them all so they do not fray. The cloth is very soft cotton and it has baby designs on it.

Rob and On picked us up and we went for our massage, pedicure and manicure. The people at the massage parlor were so happy to see us. I had a manicure and pedicure as well as a foot massage, two people were working on me. Rob, On and Willi had head, neck and foot massages.

When we were done, Rob and I went to the Mall and Rob bought an Apple computer and an I-pod. You should have seen us on his motorcycle with the huge box for the desktop. We had 5 turns to make and it was a bit scary, but we made it fine. Willi and On played hand and foot and then we all went to dinner, but had to wait for an hour so we went to the Night Bazaar and bought a few small items. The restaurant was the Japanese buffet where all the uncooked food comes you on conveyor belts and you take off the plates you want. The servers took away 20 little plates after we put the food into the cooking pot on our table. It was a fun meal. It was a fun day, as well.

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