Sunday, April 28, 2013


Thailand - as I see it.   A NEW LITTLE ONE - NAMED FOR WILLI

William - Willi 's namesake is so cute.  He is 5 months old and already is on his own in the walker, just like his brother, Tyler.  He just came into my room and smiled and checked out everything.  He loves to go for rides in his stroller around the house.

It is so cute to watch Tyler and William on the webcam.  Tyler talks and William smiles and listens.
This blog entry was written one year ago.

William is now 1 year and 5 months old and he is running around all on his own trying to keep up with his big brother who is an excellent big brother.  He also loves to be held which is great for me.  He is a snuggler when not exploring on his own.

More to follow.  It is fun beng called Yah and Grandma.

Grandma Yah Marcia

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