Saturday, January 29, 2011

Master Craftsmen at Work in a Wat

Thailand - as I see it..

I took a walk from my son's home to a nearby Wat.  It was so interesting I had to write a third blog on Wats.  The groundskeeper showed me all around the inside of the Wat.  He explained the paintings on the wall were depicting the birth, life and death of Buddha.  Each mural was approximately 8' by 5 ' and they surrounded the entire inside of the Wat. The panels for each of the 12 signs of the calendar were below the murals and had drawings of animals all looking like demons.

He showed me 10 sticks in a case that the monks use to sprinkle water on good Buddhists, a cane for walking, a stick with a flower on the end for chanting, a stick made into a sword for protection, and a stick with an umbrella on the end.

There were three large Buddhas facing east all in gold.  They were very impressive.

But the most interesting part was a serpent dragon that was being made from cement and every part was sculpted by hand.  The craftsmen were molding the scales of the animal about 4'' by 4'' and making hundreds of them.  Others were molding words in Thai, and all of the fancy scroll work by hand.

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