Monday, January 17, 2011

Our Second Annual Trip to Chiang Dao

Thailand - as I see it.

Our Second Annual Trip to Chiang Dao
We went to Chiang Dao from Chiang Mai which takes about two hours.  We took two suitcases full of clothing, 100 pounds,  from the BJPT Thrift Shop in Ft.Myers.  As you will see in the pictures, there were many children.  

Marcia Cutler Weis handing out clothing to the Lisu children

Lisu Hill Tribe Children Singing.

We handed out the clothing for over one hour and the children were very pleased to receive the clothing. 

I am also enclosing some pictures of the Hill Tribe homes, and scenery, and the gift of food we received.   In one of the pictures, the children are thanking the BJPT Thrift Shop for the clothes.  They are also singing the A,B,C’s.  After we gave the clothing, some of the parents brought us food they had grown as a thank you.  They brought us vegetables, papaya, bananas and some lettuce wrapped in a palm leaf.    

William Weis and On Cutler showing the food thank you gifts


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