Saturday, December 17, 2011

Thailand - as I see it

A Christmas Celebration at the Christian Church in Chiang Mai

We went to church this morning and instead of the service we went to the children’s party.  They had games for the children and each child won a prize for playing each game.  There was a lady dressed in a red and green clown’s outfit who passed out gifts to all the children. Some of the children put on skits and sang.  Each child colored a Christmas tree and put the cut out colored trees on the bare tree.  They all sang happy birthday to Jesus and also a Christmas song.

A missionary family from Texas who had moved to Chiang Mai a year ago told a Christmas story about a cake that was made for Jesus.  The top layer was chocolate for our sins, the next layer was red for Jesus’ blood that was shed for us, and the third layer was green for life and nature that goes well because we believe in Jesus.  The frosting was all white to show that all is pure when we love Jesus and when we go to heaven someday we will be with him because we believe.

As you can see in the group picture, they included me as well as the missionaries and they all sang and thanked God for Jesus and Christmas time when we remember him.

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