Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Thailand - as I see it.

Motorcycles, Motor Scooters, and Motorbikes everywhere.

We went to the mall today on motor scooters.  I was on one with my son Rob, Adda, and Tyler.  Willi and On were on another.  We parked in this motorcycle parking lot where there must have been 1000 or more.
Everywhere you go there are motorcycles, motorbikes and motor scooters weaving in and out, in between cars and trucks and more motorcycles.

We bought five big bags of groceries and two of them fit in the basket on Rob's motor scooter.  Two bags fit on hooks on On's scooter by her feet. Willi held one bag with one hand and held onto On with the other hand.

They have a small seat for Tyler with a seat belt right in front of Rob as you can see in the picture.
When Rob says they are going out, Tyler says, "rumrum"  and makes the motion of driving the scooter.
It is so cute.  He loves to go riding.  Much of the time he falls asleep on the scooter as they are traveling.

It is very reasonable to fill up a motor scooter even with the price of gas.
Daddy Rob and Tyler
Marcia ready to go.
Marcia and Rob
A parking lot for motorcycles, scooters, etc.
On and Willi.
Tyler waiting to go for a ride.

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