Saturday, December 10, 2011

Thailand - as I see it.

Our First Day in Chiang Mai

Our first day in Chiang Mai has been a busy one.  We opened the two bags of clothing for the hill tribe children and On separated them all to give them to different families and groups.  Then she washed about 40 pieces of clothing and hung them on the line to dry.  
Clothing we brought for the Hill Tribe Children.

Christmas tree with packages we brought.
Tyler, 1 year and 5 months old and Adda, 4 years old carried the presents from the suitcases and put them under the Christmas tree.  They had as much fun carrying them as they will opening them at Christmas.

Then Rob and I on Rob’s motor scooter and On and Willi on On’s motor scooter went for a foot massage.  It was an hour massage and the therapists had trained at a reflexology school and were excellent.

Then Rob and Willi went to the barber and Willi got his hair cut for $2 including the tip.  It is a nice cut; shorter than he has ever had it.  On and I went to the local open air market and she bought fresh pineapple, papaya, bananas and mandarin oranges.  She also bought the round dough balls which were very light and tasty as well as fried bananas.  She bought some fresh bacon and cooked spaghetti carbonera for dinner.  

I read a book after dinner to the two children and they played so well together with the cloth balls we brought for them.  We were tired around 8:30 and after a hand of hand and foot, we retired.

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