Thailand - as I see it
An Extended Family
Speaking of family, Boo is grandpa in the Thai Lisu Hill Tribe language. Yah is grandma in the language. The Hill Tribe people use our alphabet of A,B,C rather than the Thai character alphabet.
Rob and On have an extended family of ADDA and also Supan. Adda is On's brother's little 4 year old. His name ADDA means first son born to that couple. So every family has an ADDA if they have a boy. It is like a nickname. His real name is City Chi. Chi is with a long i.
ADDA is living with Rob, On and Tyler because he can go to school in Chiang Mai. There is not a school where he lives in the hills. He is a cute, happy, smiley little boy and VERY bright. I read him The Foot Book by Dr Seuss and he said every sentence after me. He knows his alphabet and numbers to 10. I brought 2 placemats with colors, numbers and letters and he has read them three or four times. He does an alphabet puzzle 4 or 5 times at a sitting. His attention span is long.
Tyler also sat and listened to the book. Tyler runs around the house with ADDA and they play ball. They have a huge plastic chest for the toys and they can move it all over the tile floor. All the toys are picked up when they are through. Both Tyler and ADDA go around collecting the toys and putting them back in the box.
On, Yah (Marcia), Rob and Tyler |
Adda, Yah (Marcia), and Tyler |
I was working on my computer and they wanted to play too. They know how to turn it on, and even use a touch screen. When I brought out my I Pad, Tyler touched the button on the bottom to start it. Then he swept his hand over the front to use it. I have a program where they can color a picture. They touch the one they want and it comes up full screen. They can color the black and white picture. All they do is touch a crayon and then touch the picture. They made a purple and yellow Santa with a red background.
Supan, On's Brother. |
Rob, On, Tyler and ADDA also have On's brother, Supan living with them. He is in 8th grade and he is going to the excellent school also in Chiang Mai. This is nice for On and Rob as he also plays with the boys and he takes care of Tyler and ADDA when we go out. This is a very happy easy going family. You should see Rob, Supan and ADDA on one motor scooter and On and Tyler on the other. When we are here, it is Rob, Yah (Marcia), and Tyler on one motor scooter and On, ADDA and Boo, (Willi) on the other. It is a treat for us to be part of this family.
What fun to be around little ones. Have a wonderful day and keep learning. We are sure learning a lot.
Marcia and Willi
Boo, (Willi) and Adda